About ODNS
Open Door Nursery School (O.D.N.S.) provides children ages 2 through 5 with intellectual, social, and physical experiences in a safe, secure, loving setting.
Founded in 1970, the preschool is operated on a nonprofit basis by Williamsville United Methodist Church. Registration is open to all races and religions; respect and recognition of the cultures and religions represented are taught.
Classes are guided by state certified teachers, and class size is limited to assure individual attention. O.D.N.S. uses a variety of learning activities with an emphasis on play to facilitate cognitive, social, and emotional growth and language development.
Our Philosophy:
O.D.N.S. is dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment for preschoolers while promoting all aspects of their development. Children are valued as individuals and treated with respect. We believe children are active learners and we provide an environment that allows them to explore the world in which they live.